Ease of use

- Our commitment to involve your intended user
Project Medium looks at your project from a unique perspective. Not only do we analyze your business goals to find out where you are going with your business in order to design a fully supporting solution, but we think as your customers.
- 'Ease of use' - your next business battlefield
Well designed applications impact corporate efficiency, is vital to your company's success, the competitive edge, perhaps even your survival. You have a unique opportunity to involve those most important to the success of your business. Your staff. Your customers. Your investors.
- Putting the intended user at the center of design process
Confusing, intimidating business applications make for confused, intimidated users. Ineffective employees. Frustrated vendors. Dissatisfied customers. An unhappy customer is somebody else's customer. Your competition is only one mouse click away. In this arena, you cannot afford not to make ease of use a top priority.
- Measure your purpose
Ask yourself the right questions, in the right order. Your goal is audience participation.
- Who is going to use your product?
- What are they looking for?
- What else is out there?
- How's this for starters?
- Does this work?
- How could it be better?
- How do you stack up against the competition?