Business Rules

- The rules have changed
Back in the day, you knew who your users were, most of them worked for you. You train them, help and support them, explain things. With electronic business you don't always know who your users are. You can't sit down with them and explain how to use something, or walk them through an interface. They either get it, or they don't. User problems become system problems and in this world, a system problem is a business problem.
- The score card has changed
The success of your business depends on accessibility, reliability, security and usability of its core functions and applications. It's not just a matter of productivity, either. It's also a matter of public perception. Things like system availability, scalability, and ease of use have become critical issues with revenue stream ramifications. Your business solutions are no longer the province of an IT department. They are the concern of the CEO, the CFO, Marketing and anyone else with an eye on the bottom line.